The Bug Book Eighth Edition

The Bug Book New 8th Edition is Here

At PathAdvantage, we're excited to announce the release of the eighth edition of The Bug Book, a critical resource for clinicians treating gynecologic-related infectious agents. This new edition includes several key updates to ensure the most accurate is at your fingertips. Read More

Image of Dr. Hopley

How Antibiotic Resistance Gene Testing Can Benefit You And Your Patients

In today’s world, where good antibiotic stewardship is crucial to preserve the effectiveness of these drugs, a new tool is helping doctors fight back: Antibiotic Resistance (ABR) gene testing. This test identifies genes in bacteria that allows them to resist specific...

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Image of Vivian Bledsoe.

A Bit About Vivian Bledsoe

Meet Vivian Bledsoe, transcription manager at PathAdvantage, who enthusiastically starts every morning ready to serve our clients. A valuable member of the PathAdvantage family since 2013, Vivian is extremely passionate about helping others. This shines through in her work in...

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Image of Dr. Hopley

Cytology Histology Correlation of Pap Tests and Biopsies

An article¹ written in late 2023 describes the importance of having both Pap tests and cervical biopsies examined at the same institution for more accurate diagnoses and better patient care. It focuses on the concept of cytology-histology correlation (CHC). CHC...

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From the Desk of Dr. G

Hello Everyone! As PathAdvantage (PA) enters its 23rd year of pathology practice, we all see the amazing advances in laboratory medicine that have occurred through the years. These advances further our ability to make the most accurate diagnosis for our patients. We doctors at PA closely...

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Image of Makeysha ONeal

A Bit About Makeysha O’Neal

In her role as clinical laboratory support specialist, Makeysha O’Neal acts as a critical team player, supporting the needs of coworkers and clients. Her ability to solve problems keeps the day running smoothly and ensures our patients get the best of care. Makeysha’s dedication...

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Image of Dr. Hopley

​​A Painless Cervical Biopsy?

Due to updated study results and improvements over past methods since our 2019 post, we are sharing this topic again to highlight the latest advancements in painless cervical biopsy techniques. To ensure accurate diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) or malignancy, liberal (all 4...

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Behind The Bug Book: A Comprehensive Reference on Vaginal Health

Nearly 15 years ago, PathAdvantage published The Bug Book, a comprehensive resource covering vaginal health conditions, causative organisms, diagnoses and related treatments. The book answered a need for an accurate, up-to-date and easy-to-use reference for medical professionals who frequently...

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Where is My Endocervical Component?

The endocervical component in testing or transformation zone (TZ) is an area where the squamous and glandular epithelium meet and is the site of origin for most cervical neoplasia. The TZ may be easily visualized during the clinical examination, or it may be located high within the endocervical...

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The Urgent Threat of Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is the second most reported sexually-transmitted bacterial infection in the United States. The CDC estimates that 1.6 million new gonorrhea infections occur each year, and that half of those infections are resistant to at least one antibiotic. Gonococcal infections have critical...

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